Scares The Cats

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Well I grew up like any young girl I suppose...I had a Mother and a Father... I attened school much like any one did, my mother was always on the run and well my father I never meet though my mother use to tell me great tales of him and how he could do great things when he wanted to... my farther died before I was even born.. mother told me she never even got the chance to tell him befor the accident but she sure where ever he is he be glade to have a kid like me.

I always knew I was diffenent from other people since I was born, I always had the uneasy feeling... like I could never hit the same train of thought as people did... I found I was always thinking... always... when I get bored in class I play with my books and pencils and make like some odd catapult like thing and fling pencils at the assholes that made fun of me in class...
After my mothers death when I was sixteen I took to my own I had just finished school that year as well, I manage to find my own little group in the mess though I had little knowledge of the out side as much as I do today... so knowing my luck it was dancers that I was crashing with... they taught me some tricks of the trade when it came to surviveing though alot seemed more intrested in controling me and useing me to ther own morbid causes... and in doing so I took a bit of lashes here and there just to keep up... it was them or no one ... and I liked my life as controled as it was then... by eighteen I had finnally meet some one like me... he was space case sure but in this city who wasn't...

He showed me into the ways of the Rat... even had a family member mark me ... and how it hurt.. far worse then any lashings or floggings... and still I can feel the mark burning me... he taught me the rules of it.. and the powers it granted... but again I heard the calling... the wander lust he called it... which be constantly forcing me to keep moving... and has since that day... one night I crash in a dumster... the next the landry mat at a hotel... then a closed run down clothing store... even my old friends lost track of me along the way. Oh and the other world... so many places.. I have never seen... so many hidden places... so many things I love to learn about... the reflection of what is and isnt... how I would spend days... just exploring the inner rims of it... watching and listening... till I came to know it as a second home... a place free of the rules... free of the people... where no one could find me... unless I wanted to be found.
Some where along the lines I meet up with Chance... cool guy I suppose for a skinchanger... I meet a few people through him like Jose and Lat.. even Macie... which lead me to where I m today... with Faulks... got to tell ya he gives cool a whole new meaning with his outragous lines... I take him for a guy who wont take no shit from any one and doesnt give a damn what people think.. which is why I like him... he has such a strong spirit... I think thats what draws me to him so much... its hard to say.. though he is fun to annoy the heck out of... and make a good storage place for all my cool items I find these days.

I accept the facts about faulks least what he cared to say... I seem to know more about him then my own kind... I only meet a few on glances in the streets or even in a building... but I have never gotten to know them... so I m kinda an outsider I suppose... sure they can hang out all they want and do what they want... but me... I got to wander... I dont even have a home... I steal what I need to get by... and find places to crash each night I need to... and try and hang with Faulks even though my mind wants to go explore that other world all the more dispite that facts that I know of how much danger that is, some times I just feel like so many different people... all trying to take control over what I want to do... so much the fact.. that I cant even recall... what I want to do... I suppose I better make up my mind fast cause this kid in here isnt going to wait it out for me is it... man why do these things keep happening to me!
Bah I ll just walk it off ... ya thats it.. walk it off... and then grab me some O'Tolleys and crash at the mall and watch some Television! ^.^
Well dispite Faulkners and my darling little baby boy.... Chase named after his brother... under that cuteness he one messed up kid.... He is trouble if not for his own demented self then his farther blood would be the next thing to it.
Well ta tell ya the truth...well its kinda ugly.. Faulkner left town after the war and well I found ghost... wasnt pritty man... and by my own kin... man what is it with my brother and sisters turning on each other... oh well like I care... let them consume themselfs saves me from climing the ladders anyways... right now all that matters to me is keeping Chase away from them so he can grow up normal... well as normal as he can be... and some one up there got it out for me if my old family lurking around... as much as I want in on the goods thats going down and the fun of picking on the mutts... I do have other lives to live, pocket to raid for goods and to be stubborn as all heck.

Now it seems I m back with chance again just hanging it... though his buddy Coy got my eye right now as to how much shit that will get me in who knows... and why this time...
Doesn't take long for it to smake in the face does it... and man its stings like a bitch sometimes... but atleast Tom sees I m a loner no pack no ties to a side, even if I still hang out with the old group, well whats left of it now, after all I have known them longer, and they never did anything wrong in my eyes... what the world without a few mutts here and there.. atleast I can keep my hands clean but still enjoy the show right? But the worst has yet to spawn its little head, last thing I need is both my familys to mess each other up... hope they dont expect me to help out on either side, cause I  simply wont without just cause, if it was up to me I put a fence up but they both just rip it down cause it was there. Ya know you never really see they are the same in ways.. unless your stuck in the middle, and they just dont listen to ya when they are to busy fighting it amoungs themselfs... its enough to make any one lose it... thank god I never had it to begin with!
Well after hang around Jack, Chase and Joe.. I think I finally made a choice well fuck this shit! Faulks is back and well I rather hang around him and atleast get a pay out of it and have fun doing it rather then be tracking down rats all day and getting the wooden plate... fuck that shit... cause I damn well aint sitting around doing nothing with myself anymore!
Cant say I m a slacker cause well chaseing after Jacklyne like trying to get in a can without a can opener... not that us rats havent found a means of doing so, but besides the point she okay.. got alot of spunk I like that she a "I dont take no lip from anyone" kinda girl.. to bad she wasnt a rat cause then I have a buddy for life and could get into sooo much trouble *snickers*
WHAM! Seems that shit hit the fan real good... Fualks came back long enough to tell me to get his kid out of the place and keep my tail clear of the old pack... and next think I know Tom down and out and Raven seems to have driven herself into depression... who knows what came of Ice... maybe Ebony took him when all hell broke out and seen raven lossing it. All Faulks kept saying was how imbalanced it was that he even turned to the rats to see the place was cleaned up which they did in one single kill to bring the whole thing crumbling down.
