Scares The Cats

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What is life... if not one big maze we get lost in... but what if ya couldn't get lost in it... try as you might you simply cant lose yourself in it like every one else, what madness do we live in if there is no escape but death...


But what is death... but a passing phase into another world... only locking yourself away from what you fear most... that Rat Maze we all run. Many things have changed since I came here.. each memory burned into my mind like fire as I watch it all fade around me into darkness... and decay away till it is no more.. and I m alone again...


Change is never a good thing but is needed in life to make your way through it, what do people care these days about how one acts and must act... what even happaned to free choice... what ever happened to free will... is this my delusion? is this what drives me mad? or is it in the blood or my upbring...


What is one to do.. . when everything around them just stops... unable to chose which path to take... content walking a fine line between it all and watching... waiting... not even knowing what you are waiting for. Knowing the past can never be relived and only making the long going misery linger deep in your own soul hanging on by mere threads in hopes... of change.


Scares son